Haedre | A peek into Pricing & General terms

logo haedre simon lejeune cyberpunk art

Commission fares:

For the use of an artwork, custom or not. The price depends mainly of the technique, the size and the detail depth of the original artwork. But also its final use and how fast you need it.

As an INDICATION, for a fully detailled, color illustrations, I charge :

- 10x15cm (A6): 350€

- 21x30cm (A4) : 600€.

- 30x42cm (A3): 1000€

For black & white, it takes longer, therefore I charge more :

- 10x15cm (A6): 500€

- 21x30cm (A4) : 800€.

- 30x42cm (A3): 1300€

- Logos: The price for a logo is very variable, so just contact me.

* What you get for those prices are high-resolution digital files on .tiff, .pdf, .jpeg format, a high-quality scan of the original artwork, sometimes with digital modifications. To acquire the real, physical artwork, it's another story!

* I need time to work well, if you want the design fast, I will have to charge you more.

*Please note that whatever its size, any project starts on a minimum base of 350€. Please, do not bother contact me if your budget is lower than that.

Remember this is just a very vague indication. Your project probably need something specific, so just tell me about it.

How does it work to get a custom artwork.

1: You contact me and explain me what you would like. We agree on a price.

2: I send you a couple of sketches/mockups to see in which direction the work will go.

3: Once you'decided on one of these sketches, I will send you the invoice.

From that on, half of the final amount will be due. I only take bank transfer within the EU and Bitcoin. I even make a 10% discount if you choose to do so!


4: I will start the inking, colouring upon reception of this advance.

5: Once the artwork is done and you agree with it, the second half of the final sum is due. The final high-resolution file is delivered via Email upon reception of the last payment.

Why general terms?

I want things clear and you do too.

COPYRIGHT: According to international copyright laws, the artist (and his family) will always keep the intellectual property of his artwork (up to 50 years after his death), the purchaser agrees that he can never ask for any compensation if the artist uses and/or sells the original artwork, some parts of it, aswell as copies on any kind of media and via any kind of network.

ARTWORK EXCLUSIVITY: It is, however, possible to have some exclusive rights over the use of the artwork, this must be discussed or decided from the beginning. It has to be described and written in a signed contract.

CREDIT: Except in a case of different agreement on a signed contract, the mention "Artwork by Haedre.com" must always figure clearly on the final publication, printed and digital.  

PROGRESS REPORTS: The artist agrees to furnish the Purchaser with progress reports during the creation of the work, which can include pictures of the work in progress. The pictures may be digital images and sent by email.

A progress report will be sent upon request by the purchaser, but not more than once a week, depending of the deadline.

RIGHT OF REFUSAL: The Artist is obligated to create the work in a professional and craftsman-like manner.

If the Purchaser is not satisfied with the Work, it must be said before the last payment, the Artist will do what he can to fix the problem, and if that's not possible, the purchaser can return the work to the Artist and the final payment will not be due. The purchaser can not use the work anymore.

Additional request done after the last payment will be charged of 50€ minimal fee and might be discussed again.

NON DESTRUCTION AND ALTERATION. Wheter a digital file or a physical original artwork, the Purchaser agrees that the Purchaser will not intentionally destroy, damage, alter, modify or change the Work in any way whatsoever. If any alteration of any kind occurs after receipt by the Purchaser, whether intentional or accidental and whether done by the Purchaser or others, the Work shall no longer be represented to be the Work of the Artist without the Artists written consent.

The Purchaser agrees to show that the Work is properly maintained.

Adding typography around is not considered as alteration.

EXPIRATION: These rules binds the parties, their heirs and all their successors in interest, and all Purchaser's obligations are attached to the Work and go with ownership of the Work, all for the life of The Artist and Artist's surviving spouse plus 50 years.

TERMINATION: The purchaser may terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the Artist who shall then be entitled to retain and receive payment for work done in pursuance of this Agreement up to the date of receipt of such notice, and to retain all rights and title to the work.



- If there is no contract, or if the contract is not signed by one of the party once the artwork is started and half paid, the general terms are considered as read an approved.

- Written notice can be electronic.

 - What is described here is formal information, if necessary it can be discussed and eventually modified according to your project, in this case a personnal contract can be done.

- For over 500€ budget projects, please simply contact me as what's described here might not be accurate anymore.

How does it work to get an already made artwork.

- Except if there is something to add to the initial artwork like typography, the price is the same as for a custom artwork, it depends of its size, detail level, technique and availability. 

The only difference is that the payment and the reception of the file can be almost instant.